Friday 2 September 2016

Flags Galore

Today was a busy day at work, making flags. 
It's an ongoing job that my Saturday girl started to cut out etc for me last week. But the deadline for making them all is next Friday. So today apart from doing fittings, all I did was a conveyor belt of flags. 
The order is for 28 flags for the Brackley Rugby Club!
So by the end of the day there are about 6 finished.
Guess that I will be sewing flags for a few days yet.
On the home front I still haven't really achieved very much. I'm either too tired or too lazy. 
What I have been doing is focussing on the LOA (law of attraction), and feeling amazed and very positive.
The goal I set myself was to find £30 a day (adverage), extra income towards my goal for £100,00 when I retire. It sounds like a total and utter pipe dream. 
But yesterday the first of my days, I received £27 for selling bits and bobs, and £20 worth of vouchers were given to me for helping a lady out of a sewing mess.
Then today I received £40 from selling some cushions I'd made.
Also last night I went to bed focussing on my Sewing Lessons, and imagining that they were all booked up for the month, and although I have a few spaces left, I have had two bookings today, and several requests for more information.
So I can honestly say that having a positive attitude and a belief that I can achieve is showing fairly good returns.

So flags up!! 


  1. That's brilliant news about the classes and all the extra income. Loving the flags too

    1. Thanks Karen.
      Another lesson sold via the website last night so only one space left!
      22 more flags in the pipeline x
