Mooloo Begins

Mooloo Begins
My first craft stall

About Me

My photo
Brackley, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Granny to seven darling children. Mother to four not so darling young adults!mmm. I love to sew, and enjoy creating magazines. I have a stash of fabric so high that my friends think it will take me all my life to use it up! So here I am, showcasing My Making journey. Welcome, and come on into my world.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Recycled Creations

Yesterday I was having a good roll of production, being inspired by a box full of scarves, that had come in.
So a medley of pictures for you to view. 
This was a skirt and a pair of lace up jeans
this plain vest top has been appliquéd with sea shells, from a scarf. 
The picture doesn't do it much justice, but this scarf turned the mini skirt into a handkerchief point skirt.
These trousers had arrived as cut offs and a long thin scarf just gave them a new twist.
This top of a pair of jeans, has been enhanced with the skirt from the bottom of another dress.
this was a two tone jersey scarf, as is the next one. Although my dummy is a size 10, so this was a bit stretched. It's more of an 8 really. But the seams are slightly less in the next one, so it's more of a 10.
What do you think of my things today? 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Gardens instead of Sewing Machines

Today with the help of BF, I now have a little veg patch near to the house.
With my £6 spend at the garden centre last weekend, we now have peas, beans, celery, parsley and mint. 
I also did the lawn. No mean feat with 160ft of garden. 

Thursday, 12 June 2014

They are here!

My shelves with high cutting surface is here! So excited over a few shelves! 
But they are the first real sign of my vision of a work room coming to life. 
The room and shelves will need painting really. So it's ready for me to fill. I know if I just put the stuff back in the room ( to get it out of my bedroom), I will probably never get around to it otherwise.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Purpose Built Shelving

The shelves in mock up, that are coming to my work room tomorrow. 
Can you see they have a cutting table too! That will fold down, when not in use. 
So excited. 

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

alternative use for one of my bags!

This little lady's photo was sent to me, from the Mum of the latest Thermal Cooking Bag to arrive at its new home. 
what a great picture! 
Although we don't advise leaving a child in the bag as the draw string could be a health hazard! 
And no you don't cook the baby. 
There have been a few men asking how you cook the bag in the oven!
Sorry guys, what you do is put your dinner on the stove, bring the food up to a rolling boil for 5-10 mins, to make sure pan and it's contents are boiling, then you take it off of the hob, nestle the pan in the bag, put the pad ontop and pull the string tight. 
Then you leave the pan for as long as necessary, depending on your contents, so rice about 40 mins, a beef casserole about 6 hours! 
 It really couldn't be easier to do. The added bonus of no more fuel costs, no having to leave something plugged in when you go out, and the food won't burn or dry out, as it would gently start to cool first. 

Why not pop over to my website, or Facebook Page, and see about getting one made for you! 
Or if your a sewer get the pattern for a few pounds from  Elaine at www.
Join the revolution and save fuel, cut your carbon omissions and have cheap and tasy meals cooked for pennies! 

Friday, 6 June 2014

black and white Thermal Bag

Another Large cooking Bag, made and posted out to a customer in Southampton. 
I am happy to be helping people to a cleaner greener way of cooking, to be recycling fabrics, and to be able to earn some much needed funds at the same time. 
It does take quite a few hours to make, and it's a good job that I have a bag less vaccum so I can easily gather together all the escaping polystyrene balls!
It is rather a messy job.
I am hoping to start making extra bags ready to sell, to put on my website, but there has been a delay as I have been ill this week.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Today's make

another thermal bag is now safely in the hands of the post office. Off to its new owner in Sourhampton

Monday, 2 June 2014

Changes too my Blog

For the few who have followed me, you will be aware that my blogging is pretty basic. A picture here and there, and a few lines. 
Well although my life is on my Mooloo threads on MSE, I don't tend to use my blog for the same sort of thing. Leaving the blog just for some sewing.
I'm hoping to learn a bit more about blog posts, and how to get followers etc etc, and I am going to try and change my limited knowledge on the subject.
As you may know - I have a very hectic life, dealing with my family, and raising my granddaughter, and it has been quite a roller coaster over the last 7 years. 
With a good 5 of those years being ill as well.
My health seems to be on an even keel now, and I am able to work part time for myself, and improve our income status.
Oh I have dreams of making a proper business out of my sewing, and to teach others to sew as well. 
I have dreams to run workshops, and to show others how to upcycle things and make fun fashion. 
But I also need to learn how to get people interested, and learn what contents will interest, etc
How to photograph my work better, and how to learn marketing etc. 
Which is going to be a huge learning curve for me as it's one thing to hide behind a sewing machine, and just sew, too running a business.
So anyway my blog may start to show a few chances as I teach myself these things. 
At the moment I am making Thermal Cooking Bags, and these are on my 
Another social media outlet for me to grasp. 
So look out for changes, and hopefully I can get this blogging lark sorted! 
and meanwhile here is a picture of some of the children in Zimbabwe when they received the pillowcase bags I made! Well these were a duvet, but they were based on the same!