For the few who have followed me, you will be aware that my blogging is pretty basic. A picture here and there, and a few lines.
Well although my life is on my Mooloo threads on MSE, I don't tend to use my blog for the same sort of thing. Leaving the blog just for some sewing.
I'm hoping to learn a bit more about blog posts, and how to get followers etc etc, and I am going to try and change my limited knowledge on the subject.
As you may know - I have a very hectic life, dealing with my family, and raising my granddaughter, and it has been quite a roller coaster over the last 7 years.
With a good 5 of those years being ill as well.
My health seems to be on an even keel now, and I am able to work part time for myself, and improve our income status.
Oh I have dreams of making a proper business out of my sewing, and to teach others to sew as well.
I have dreams to run workshops, and to show others how to upcycle things and make fun fashion.
But I also need to learn how to get people interested, and learn what contents will interest, etc
How to photograph my work better, and how to learn marketing etc.
Which is going to be a huge learning curve for me as it's one thing to hide behind a sewing machine, and just sew, too running a business.
So anyway my blog may start to show a few chances as I teach myself these things.
At the moment I am making Thermal Cooking Bags, and these are on my
Another social media outlet for me to grasp.
So look out for changes, and hopefully I can get this blogging lark sorted!
and meanwhile here is a picture of some of the children in Zimbabwe when they received the pillowcase bags I made! Well these were a duvet, but they were based on the same!