In 2014, life in the Mooloo household is about to alter again.
It will mark the end of my Guardianship funding for DGD, and the end of my back to work credits. Meaning a loss of income of some £160 a week!
So the making has to be stepped up a gear, or two. ( or even more). Along with looking to save, batch cook, make do and mend, and all the other Frugal living options that we can muster, so that our quality of life is not compromised too much.
The obvious changes are rather hard to consider, as it would mean no annual holiday to Portugal, and possibly even the loss of the car.
Which would be detrimental to our world, for DGD to visit her mother. To getting to my clients, and seeing my partner.
none of which are very palatable options really.
So another income revenue is urgently required for 2014.
The first thought is to put teaching lessons into the working week. So I will be working on the content of those lessons and a venue to use. Then an advertising campaign to attract the clients that I could teach.
Have you any thoughts as to viable other options?
Teaching people to recycle their clothes into something more wearable or even into completely different items. Would be where I would like to go.