Mooloo Begins

Mooloo Begins
My first craft stall

About Me

My photo
Brackley, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Granny to seven darling children. Mother to four not so darling young adults!mmm. I love to sew, and enjoy creating magazines. I have a stash of fabric so high that my friends think it will take me all my life to use it up! So here I am, showcasing My Making journey. Welcome, and come on into my world.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Table Top was slow!

Well yesterday's table top was very slow. We were off to the side in the gardens so not everyone came looking. However, although I only sold £20 worth of stuff It got people looking and cards handed out. Would have sold a few more things if they had been in the right sizes. 
Will work on a variety of sizes in future. But there was one set of contacts that may prove interesting. Some gypsy families that are local to the pub want some baby clothes made. So it may be an avenue for work. Time will tell. 

Darling granddaughter has lost those two front teeth in the last 24 hours. 
Tooth dairy will be working overtime tonight. 

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Appliqué day

Hopefully these will go at the weekend. 
The table top is fast approaching and today I have been making some adaptations to T. Shirts ready to sell. 

Crowning Glory.

The last tshirt remake of a crown sold immediately so I have made another one for Retrend at Vintage Garms. 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Retrend Work

Today I went to work for Vintage Garms, but it's really more their retrend side. Jeans with bows and them a few appliqué tee shirts. Personally not my choice. But did what I was asked

Monday, 5 August 2013

Successfully found how to put pictures up.

Well that was a bit of an Eureka moment. Finally a way of putting up my makes after weeks of struggling. 

Practise Makes Perfect

These were yesterday's creation. 
Trying to post from the app I just found for blogger. 

iPhone and blogging!

Today I have been trying to catch up on my world while Paige is playing games on my old iPhone and I am still learning how my new one works.
Time is running away with me and technology is not my strong point.
I brought my sewing machine and over locker with me to stay in Oxford with Jerry. so when he is at work I can still do my work. Because I have a business to run and I need to be on top of it more.
I do two days a week sewing for Vintage Garms, I post pictures of my work on Facebook and Pinterest. But what am I actually doing to raise the profile on Mooloos? Nada. Zip. I haven't got my laptop with me and I haven't been using my Website to sell things. I have a few random items on Etsy, but have lost heart as I have never made a single sale with them.
My Moneysaving Expert contacts have been my main outsider source of sales, but it's not enough to keep me a regular income.
so how do I change my fortunes around? build more time for my business and actually start to make money a d hopefully turn a profit?
Jerry doesn't believe in me. So I feel flawed in my own ability. How can I turn my skills, and my ethics into making a proper living and prove that I can become self sufficient, and bring up Paige at the same time.
This weekend I am going to do a tabletop sale at The Rockinghorse Pub in Towcester. The table will only cost me £10 but I will need to make quite a few sales to cover the costs of my table, my fuel to get from here and care for Paige. My last sale was a disaster. It put me off for a while. I wondered what the point was. But I won't make money just sitting on all my makes and I really don't want to have to work on anything else. I am happiest with my machines and fabrics in my hand.
Can I turn my world around and find a way to get the work out there in the big wide world and be self sufficient, with in the next 6 months? My funding will be reduced by £119 in March and a further £40 in April. Something needs to be done before then.