Well its like a summers day, its been a glorious week. But not for my sewing.
I havent done anything since Tuesday when I did the walking stick bag. But I have managed to get myself sorted out and turn DS's old bedroom into a craft room!.
I just need to sort out a decent chair. But for now, the garden is the main focal point of our days.
DGD is in and out of the paddling pool, and enjoying riding her bike just up and down the little bit of path that we have.
I am off to see BF and his family this evening, so I have cut what grass I can, myself so as to keep it as low as possible.
Unfortunately I had to move the paddling pool, as the day before I found a pile of glass just under the surface, then yesterday when I went to investigate, not only was there masses of glass but there were razor blades as well!.
I was horrified.
The garden is still not safe. I have tried my hardest to do some digging, but the ground is so hard now that its not easy. But every little fork full brings up either glass, metal or razor blades.!
I will be talking to the housing when the holiday is over.
Meanwhile we have come in for our lunch, and to shelter from the mid day sun!.
I have been terrible and done some bidding on some more fabric???!!! why do I do it, I have masses already. I didnt think I would win any of the bids as they are quite low considering what I was bidding on, but so far I seem to be winning.
Lots of floral fabrics aiming at the Shabby Chic market.
I have ideas for them to be used in cushion covers, and pillowcases etc. For my bedroom as I am going to be sorting that out now that I have a place to do my sewing in.
I shall try and take photos later of the new work space!