Once more I find myself on the move. But with a delay again.
We were supposed to have moved into a three bedroomed house in November, on the 26th. Then it was delayed and we should have been getting the keys on the 3rd December. We are still sitting waiting for those keys.
The gasboard need to install a meter before we can take possession.
I have been through a nightmare of changes, and it has been a stressful time. The removal firm cannot now move us until the 20th and 21st December. However we do not know if the house will be ready intime.
Its going to be so close to christmas!
For once this year, I have not taken the children into the equation, and have decided where I want to be, and not what is expected of me.
Perhaps thats my now realising that my life is precious. My time with my partner is important to me, and so we are going to spend christmas at his house. I am taking my granddaughter with me.
so it will not matter so much that we are not unpacked properly for the festive season.
I am determind to make it a good christmas even though we are not all together, and I hope that we can find a day at home that the family can come and see me for once. !
The new house is on a bus route, so we hope that they can come to see me rather then me running around after them all the time.
Once I have moved I shall try harder to enjoy my life and do the thinks that i would like to do.!